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How can our class teach fifth graders about the risks of internet?

Thank you for stopping by my English School Project website. I have a curious mind, always inquiring about the world that surrounds me. I am eager to learn more, and share my knowledge with my peers. Take a look around and explore my English School Project. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, or would like to learn more.
I want to introduce you to my public school. The Circell School is located in Moja, Olèrdola. With a population of approximately 1400 people. The school has a good ratio of students per teacher with about twenty, much lower than in urban areas.
The school is in the centre of Moja, a little village near Dalmar subdivision and in the surrounding area there are vineyards, a bakery, a church, a town council, wine cellars, a lot of houses. Furthermore, next to the school there is a football pitch. Unfortunately, there is no train station or bus service and residents depend on private vehicles. The nearest services are in Vilafranca del Penedes, 4 km away.
The school is not very big. It has two lines in 6th, 5th, 4th and 2nd grade, and one in 3rd, 1st, P3, P4 and P5 level. In total it has 243 students. There are 13 classrooms (3 for P3-P5 and 10 for Primary cycle). There are two language classrooms (with an interactive board and computer). In addition, the school has two English teachers.
The school encourages families to participate in the learning process.
In the 6th grade class, where the project was implemented, there are 14 students; 7 girls and 7 boys. There are students of one nationality: Spanish/Catalan. The majority of them do not have significant difficulties with the Spanish/Catalan language.

Home: Welcome


2018: 2nd term to end of school year.

I have always been intrigued by the subject of this project, and how to work on it with my pupils in class. Taking on this task gave me the opportunity to conduct serious research and produce high-quality work about the risks of intrenet. Moreover, while documenting the entire process, I learned a lot about various methodologies and testing techniques, such as PBL projects and CLIL methodology. I’m thrilled with the results, and look forward to the next challenge.

Home: About My Project


Watch the video of the students

This is a great example of students interaction in this CLIL-PBL project.

Home: Watch


Watch first session video

This is a great example of Teacher-Student interaction in a brainstorming using the project's driving question (first session).

Home: Watch

"There is a person behind every tweet, blog and e-mail. Remember that".

ICT as a communication tool

Chris Brogan

Home: Quote

Barcelona, Spain


I hope you enjoyed reviewing my project - please get in touch if you want to hear more!

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In Closing

I am very happy to have undertaken this project for many reasons one of which was the opportunity to improve my English.
On the one hand, it motivates students to take an active part in their learning process. Because of the interactive nature of the activities students find it fun and interesting to participate.
Moreover, teachers benefit by learning new teaching skills to keep motivation high. This project provides teachers with knowledge on the use of ICT tools, methodologies such as CLIL and PBL, and useful classroom activities. Teachers also have fun and learn how to develop efficient language learning.
In conclusion, as a professional I found it to be an excellent experience. I encourage other teachers to try it!

Home: Conclusion
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